New York State Test Scores

We are very excited to be the recipients of a grant from the DeSales Media Group and have been given 75 Ipads for use in our classrooms. This is going to greatly benefit our educational program moving forward.  We know that we have work to do in our academic program.  New York State test scores are only one piece of a large puzzle that constitutes our student body and their various needs, but we are proud to report that our most recent test scores show a tremendous improvement for our kids, in-house, and incredible growth for SRCA in the district as a whole.  

The 2022-2023 State test score revealed that our students are leading our districts in some very important areas.  Based on the scores, our students scored 20% higher than all our areas schools in math. Additionally, our students also lead our district in ELA scores, earning grades 18% higher than comparable schools in District 19.  We owe a huge debt of gratitude and congratulations to our students and to their teachers and aides who help prepare them for excellence in the state tests and beyond.

Below you will see a snapshot on how our students rated last year as well as back in 2018-2019.  We have shown great growth in the most important areas.

Click on the link below to see the 2018-2019 and 2022-2023 State Tests Scores.

SRCA 22-23 State Test District Comparison.pdf

2022-2023 SRCA Comparison Charts.pdf

2018-2019 NYS Test Scores